Dear Hartman Team Members,
Happy New Year! I want to thank each of you again for all of your hard work and determination in 2021 and share how incredible it is that we exceeded our occupancy goals this past year. The momentum we hit last year has slingshot us into this year at a record speed!
The company wide meeting was spectacular! The brainstorming sessions were invigorating. You tackled many challenging situations, solved many problems, and created a vision and goals for all of your departments. We hold one another accountable for our individual goals to ensure our success in achieving our company’s goals. Overcoming challenges requires much more than a personal desire or goal. God appoints us with tasks to give us purpose and invigorates us to follow Him for his leadership. He will give us the skills and strength that are necessary to continue in our efforts, overcome our challenges, and hit our goals!
Seeing the different departments empower themselves through profound changes this past year by working with the tools they learned has put a new charge of energy in our company this year. With our teams working towards our goal of Exceptional Service, our tenants will benefit, and it will help us move towards our goals of 88% occupancy this year. As we continue to grow our company by raising more through CMG, acquiring new properties, bringing on new team members, and increasing occupancy in our portfolio, we keep adding value for our investors. If we work together towards our common goals, we can push ourselves in 2022 to hit all our department goals and get closer to our mission of $2 billion in assets by 2025!
All of our goals feed back to the mission of our company: To deliver exceptional investor returns through an empowered team that provides unparalleled service to tenants in an environment of belonging and purpose.
In 2021, our leasing team was able to set an all-time company record of 598 leases signed with a total of 990,926 square feet in new leases, boosting our occupancy 4.54% from the beginning of the year. The Property Management department recorded an all-time achievement of excellence scoring 60% on their Net Promoter Score from surveyed tenants. The construction team completed a record number of over 300 newly made ready suites and the marketing team increased the number of leads by 300%, also a new company record.
On the topic of the Property Management department and the achievement with their Net Promoter Score last year, I want to congratulate them for already breaking their own all-time record. In their first survey of 2022, the team scored 69.3%, increasing both the number of promoters by 9.7% and reducing the detractors by 18.5%.
In closing, I want to ask you to remember why we hold one another accountable for our individual goals and how it leads us to success in achieving our company’s goals. Overcoming challenges requires much more than a personal desire or goal. And God appoints us with tasks to give us purpose and invigorate us to follow Him for his leadership!
“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:19