Al Hartman, Founder

Hartman Income REIT Management, Inc.

Latest from the blog

Texas Office Market: Resilient, Diverse, and Poised for Growth

The Texas office market has shown remarkable resilience over the past few years, navigating the challenges posed by economic fluctuations…

Al Hartman interview

5 Things You Need To Know To Succeed In The Real Estate Industry

This interview with Jason Hartman originally appeared on Authority Magazine: Al Hartman of Hartman Income REIT On Five Things You…

belongingness blog thumbnail

Belongingness: Why it Matters in the Workplace

We all want to belong. Belongingness is a core desire shared by every human being on the planet. At Hartman,…

delegating leadership style

10 Tips for an Effective Delegating Leadership Style

When managing a team of employees, no matter the number or size of your organization, there are many different ways…

mentor and mentee thumbnail

Mentor and Mentee Roles: A Radical Guide to Mentoring

The concept of mentorship dates back to approximately three thousand years ago when Homer gave a nurturing and supportive character…

Al Hartman YTexas Interview

Industry Veteran Al Hartman Talks About Houston Real Estate, Interest Rates and Inflation

This article by Ed Curtis originally appeared on the YTexas interview with CEO Al Hartman Over the past 5 years,…

Letters from Al Hartman

Al Hartman CEO message

September Letter from Al Hartman

Dear Hartman Team Members, I hope that earlier this month each of you thoroughly enjoyed your Labor Day weekend surrounded…

Al Hartman August letter

August Letter from Al Hartman

Dear Hartman Team Members, For over three decades, Hartman has focused on building the company as one of the country’s…

Al Hartman CEO message

June Letter from Al Hartman

Dear Hartman Team Members, As we enter the second half of 2022, we are striving to exceed our goals this…

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Latest Transactions

lease transactions

Lease Transactions: September 2022

PROPLANT Leased 2505 SF at 616 FM 1960 in Houston PROPLANT leased 2505 square feet at 616 FM 1960 in…

lease transactions

Lease Transactions: August 2022

JS International Grill Leased 3,200 SF at 100 S Central Expressway in Dallas JS International Grill LLC leased 3,200 SF…

July Lease Transactions

Lease Transactions: July 2022

State of Texas Renews 14,096 SF at 1055 S Sherman in Richardson, TX State of Texas Acting by and through…